Saturday, December 7, 2019

Integration of Complementary Services Free Sample for Students

Questions: 1.Provide Examples, on the ERP Cloud Services Industry of the Concepts below that are presented in the reading.1.Provide an Example where the Modification in the Service Boundary can Improve the quality of the Service provide. 2. Provide an Example of the Concept underlying the Aravind Eye Hospitals mentioned in the article. 3. Provide an Example where Communication among Multiple Providers can Improve the Quality of the Service Provided. 4.Identify a Situation where Changing one of the four Dimensions cChanging the Structure of the Interaction, Changing the Service boundary, Changing the allocation of Service tasks, or the delivery location may block Possibilities for Innovation in the others; 5.Identify a Situation where Changing one of the four dimensions alone is difficult but combining two or more of these dimensions may Increase the Success of the Innovation Introduction. 6.Apply the Concepts Presented in the reading to analyze Service delivery Innovations in one of the follo wing industries: Airlines, Restaurants, Consumer Banking, Education. Answers: 1.Modification in Service Boundary The modification in service boundary is measured with respect to four main perspectives involved within the service boundary of the ERP Cloud service providing industries (Ashraf, Bandiera and Jack 2014). The consequences are being elaborated within this part of the assignment: The service boundary is concerned with mainly two factors in providing services to the clients and consumers involved within any significant service delivery options. According to (), there are mainly two question segments that are considered important for managing the service boundary options within any service delivery options. These segments are check to the similarity to the set of complementary services among clients and problems with complementary services affecting customer outcomes. In contrast with these facts, with respect to ERP Cloud service providers following are the considered way of modifying the service boundary of any concerned service delivery option Coordination among complementary services among clients: The ERP cloud service providers sometimes have same requirements as some other group of clients. Therefore, the coordination among the clients and the ERP Cloud provider about their demands is shows that the service providence is appropriate to their clients. In case of the ERP cloud vendors they can easily strengthen their service boundary with this coordination process. Integration of complementary services: There are domains in which the clients have different set of requirement about their connectivity but the ERP cloud vendor is providing them same set of service delivery. This issue needs integration of complementary services in order to mitigate the issues among their clients and also to provide them right choices of services as per their choice. 2.Example of concept underlying Aravind Eye Hospitals In accordance with the service providing facilities to the clients of the ERP cloud providers if there are two servers within a specific domain of cloud service providing zone and the client request for service from one server and that become unable to provide service to them then the second server provides effective service to the client (Pearce, Dickinson and Welle 2014). Therefore, the service provided by the server and busy server both works at the same time collaboratively in accordance with user or clients demands within the network or zone of service providence. Therefore, the suppliers over a group of regions and operating domain the services are provided with collaborative behavior. 3.Examples of communication among multiple providers for improving quality The communication between two branches of service providers can be considered as the effective measure for managing quality of services to the clients. The manufacturing industry is the most important clients of the ERP cloud service providers (Tax, McCutcheon and Wilkinson 2013). Therefore, in contrast with some particular domain where two branches of ERP cloud provider is working at a time but one provider is unable to providing service to the manufacturing industry. In this critical situation, generally the ERP cloud service providers have communication between their two branches and understand the issue of the client (manufacturing industry) (Rasul and Rogger 2016). In this situation the other branch of the ERP cloud service provider provides service to the manufacturing industry in accordance with their needs. 4..Situation There are four possibilities that are considered for managing the development of service delivery perspectives. In contrast with all the four stages of managing quality service delivery, if the change in structure of interactions involved within the service providers and clients changes then the innovation under other two phases will be blocked (Villamagna, Angermeier and Bennett 2013). In contrast with this situation, other three phases lose their innovation capability as there will be lack of communication measures involved within system. This will make the system collaboration weak with respect to the customers needs and demands. Lack of communication measures involved within the service delivery will lead to lack of understanding about the service boundary as well as allocation of tasks involved within the cloud service providences (Ashraf, Bandiera and Jack 2014). Therefore, this aspect will lead to the incorrect location selection for service delivery that leads to poor deliver y of services to the concerned clients. Such as change of dimensions involved within interactions of Client (Manufacturing industry) changes then the ERP cloud vendor cannot actually find out what issues is being faced by the manufacturing industry. Therefore, this issues will be block innovations in other three segments of service delivery process in ERP cloud providers. 5. Situation There are mainly four dimensions for managing the service delivery process. These are changing the structure of the interaction, changing the service boundary, changing the allocation of service tasks, or the delivery location (Dabholkar 2015). Therefore, in accordance with the perspective of ERP Cloud Service Delivery, there are two perspectives, change of which leads to the innovative measures for the other two perspectives. These are change of service boundary and change of allocation of service tasks. The service boundary states the upper limit of the service that needs to be managed with respect to various other limitations from the perspective of clients (Free et al. 2013). In addition to this, the change in service task allocation is also important for managing the distributive nature of task allocation measures involved within the service delivery measures. Such as the service task among ERP Cloud vendors are allocated with respect to the demands of client Manufacturing Indus try but if the demands of manufacturing industry changes (such as incorporation of new information system within functional areas)then the ERP cloud vendor have to change every other three factor involved within service delivery management. 6.The airlines industry is selected in this question for analyzing the service delivery innovations. The analysis of service delivery innovations can be done with the help of four specific aspects involved within this particular industry. These are given as follows: Structure of interactions: The airline industry operates multiple to multiple interaction among their service providers and clients (Johnson et al. 2016). This process helps them in understanding various clauses coming from various clients at a time that increases their operational excellence. The Service Boundary: Airline industry checks demands of their clients with respect to time consuming journeys as well as short duration journeys and then they revise their schedule or service boundary depending on the client choices and demands. Allocation of Service Tasks: The service allocation changes in accordance with the expertise level of the employees (Pearce, Dickinson and Welle 2014). Therefore, the services such as online booking cases are managed by those expertises those are capable of managing online activities as well as managing clients demands. The Delivery Location: Airline industry always checks their dimensions of services that can be easily managed with respect to clients choices (Rasul and Rogger 2016). Such as any airport is developed in such places which is easily reachable and also not time consuming. References Ashraf, N., Bandiera, O. and Jack, B.K., 2014. No margin, no mission? A field experiment on incentives for public service delivery.Journal of Public Economics,120, pp.1-17. Dabholkar, P.A., 2015. How to improve perceived service quality by increasing customer participation. InProceedings of the 1990 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 483-487). Springer International Publishing. Free, C., Phillips, G., Watson, L., Galli, L., Felix, L., Edwards, P., Patel, V. and Haines, A., 2013. The effectiveness of mobile-health technologies to improve health care service delivery processes: a systematic review and meta-analysis.PLoS Med,10(1), p.e1001363. Johnson, R.R., Friedman, J.M., Becker, A.M. and Spiegel, D.A., 2016. The Ponseti Method for Clubfoot Treatment in Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of Barriers and Solutions to Service Delivery.Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Pearce, J., Dickinson, N. and Welle, K., 2014. Technology, data, and people: opportunities and pitfalls of using ICT to monitor sustainable WASH service delivery.From Infrastructure to Services: Trends in Monitoring Sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services. Practical Action Publishing, Rugby, UK, pp.85-108. Rasul, I. and Rogger, D., 2016. Management of bureaucrats and public service delivery: Evidence from the nigerian civil service.The Economic Journal. Tax, S.S., McCutcheon, D. and Wilkinson, I.F., 2013. The service delivery network (SDN) a customer-centric perspective of the customer journey.Journal of Service Research,16(4), pp.454-470. Villamagna, A.M., Angermeier, P.L. and Bennett, E.M., 2013. Capacity, pressure, demand, and flow: A conceptual framework for analyzing ecosystem service provision and delivery.Ecological Complexity,15, pp.114-121.

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