Saturday, January 25, 2020

If You Want To Help Visit Egypt Tourism Essay

If You Want To Help Visit Egypt Tourism Essay One of the most important activates that any country has through its different cities as all people know is tourism. It is one of the most interesting and exciting type of activities and services used to provide individuals or certain amount of people travelling experiences all around the world. These experiences revolve around travelling across countries miles and miles, overseas and oceans to enjoy different places, with different cultures other than home. (Michigan State University, 2007) After what happened in Egypt recently, 25th revolution, there has been a turning point in all the industries, production processes, and even services. Unfortunately, when Egypt was about to become one of the most successful developing countries in industries, production, providing services, and even having special positions in the stock markets in comparison to another countries all around the world, suddenly, all this has turned upside down. Production has been stopped, services became poor in satisfaction, and Egypt became out of stock market ranking. The service that was highly affected by that revolution was the Tourism. Tourists who were in Egypt throughout the revolution, travelled back to their homelands as a result of fear of what was happening from serious political events in Egypt. This was also as a result of the bad Public Relations campaign that was made on Egypt at that time through the media and press. For that reason, a new Public Relations campaign must be developed and settled in order to give to Egypts Tourism life back as before. Egypt has been constantly a country of tourism where Europeans use to spend their vacation there and observe its archeological finding and its antiques. The tourists there are visiting the most attractive places such as Sharm -el-Sheikh, Hurghada, Safaga and others. Besides that, Egypt is also well-known for its marvelous environmental tourism on top of other varieties such as Safari, consultations and sports. Egypt was acknowledged all over the history as a target or what the tourists are aiming for since it was visited throughout the primeval era, the tourists feel affection for visiting enormous and immeasurable places in Egypt, yet it sustained the reflection throughout the middle and modern history. On the other hand, the innovation of the Paranoiac ancient artifacts which had been extended long time ago has added a unique appeal to Egypt and also its inimitable religious and cultural testimonials or tombstones which are very precious to visit and grab the attention of the touri sts to come back and visit those unique places. As for the educational and archaeological tourism, Egypt has many different types of broader fragments that the tourists can visit across the world with its geographical location and its moderate atmosphere all the year round, together with its horizontal measureless coastlines, and beaches with its exclusive reserves of coral reefs which truly present Egypt with rewards of a competitive edging. Situation Analysis: Egypts Tourism Crisis after 25th Revolution: As Egypts national profit is based on its strong historical stories that revolved around its different cities. Tourism has been one of the most important factors of letting foreign currencies as well as people with different nationalities enter Egypt. As a result of the revolution, an international financial crisis had arisen between Egypt and different nations. Most of the European tourists who come and visit Egypt recently, their rate has decreased in a theatrical way. After the peak that was in presence all around Egypt, many of the reservations in terms of airplane seats, hotel bookings, and business meetings have been decreased in their amounts. (Mwathe, 2011) In order to make a successful Tourism Media Public Relations campaign, this situational analysis must be put in consideration in order to know what type of message will be sent to the audiences across the main topic Tourism and its improvements. -Women before and after the 25th revolution, before the revolution the Egyptian people usually believe that women are inferior to men, The Egyptian women were used to avoid contact with men who were not in their family connections, while after the 25th revolution, women have their rights; they learnt how to say their opinions and views, also the womens strong contribution in Egypts protests against the Mubarak supervisions or regimes has a positive coverage to the political equality that have took place in the Tahrer Square ,many women were marching to take their rights and civil liberties, yet this occurrence highlighted the fundamental consequences of defending the womens rights in Egypt and may hold back the enduring developments towards civilizing the womens political rights in the country. -In addition after the revolution, all people were connected together hand in hand in order to protect and clean their country. Egyptian people were and still calling everyone to sanitary Egypt by those things first to buy local products, second to stop shouting and learn to listen to each other, third to keep the streets clean by painting them, and last but not least calling the tourists to come back and visit our precious country which have lots of marvelous places to visit. Moreover, Muslims and Christians were one soul at the time of the revolution fighting to take their rights and now they are much connected to each other and finding ways to protect their mosques and churches as Egypt has been well familiar with its religion, values and principles. Key Messages: There are different groups that messages need to be sent to; these include groups that have direct influence on tourism (publics)such as the media, the tourists and tourism companies, and others that have indirect influence (public) such as colleges and college students. Messages used should be appropriate, meaningful, memorable and understandable by different targeted groups (Yeomanz Tench, 2006). The following is an example of the messages that can be used with different groups of the publics; First, the media should be inspired to show the positive side of the revolution instead of the negative one. For example, showing the streets that have been cleaned after the revolution and how the Egyptians are getting more civilized and are caring more about their country. The media is normally looking for a good story that attracts people; however, sometimes the messages communicated give poor image of the country. Therefore, the media should be send messages about the economic and social effect of losing tourism for the whole Egyptian society and also for Egypts reputation and image all-over the world. Second, the tourists probably play the major role; because they are the ones who decided whether to visit Egypt or not. The media may be helpful at this time; it can show foreigners a positive image for the Egyptian treatment to the tourists. Tourists need to see how the Egyptians are getting more respectful to them and how they are willing to welcome tourists in their country. Moreover, tourists should be shown the positive side which is the clean streets, the planted trees and so on. Third, the legal bodies should be encouraged to reform new policies and regulations that make the tourists feel safe when visiting Egypt. For example, according to Mr.Maher Moussa, an Egyptian tour guide; he stated that after the revolution when there were almost no policemen; the sales people at the Egyptian bazars where treating the tourists very bad and they were pulling them from their shirts in order to purchase products. Tourists at that time did not find anyone to help them; apparently they did not feel safe at all. Therefore, the policymakers should be told these stories and should be encouraged to return the tourism safe as it was before the revolution. Forth, the workers in the field of tourism need to be sent a message stressing on the fact that tourism is crucial for them and for maintaining or even improving their living standards. They need to be encouraged to develop and improve the way they treat tourists and also need to be encouraged to remain committed to their work and do not look for other options such as switching their careers or immigrating. Sales persons should be treated the ethical behavior of dealing with tourists. The following table gives a brief summary for the messages to be communicated, to which groups and what are the success indicators; Target Group Messages Communicated Success Indicators The Media You can play a vital role in improving the current situation of tourism in Egypt; encourage, inspire and attract everyone working in the tourism sector to work harder and motivate tourists to come to our country Increase in the rate of trips Increase rate of security Reduced terrorism Increased level of awareness about the importance of tourism The Tourists You can now watch the place where the whole Egyptians have met at once to ask for their rights In Egypt you can see monuments that are never seen anywhere else in the world. Your safety is our first priority; we will thrive to keep you safe. Egypt is now welcoming you more than ever before Legal Bodies Tourists represent a major part of Egypts future; we need to keep them secure we need to implement strict laws and rules that make tourists feel more safe in Egypt than any other part of the world Workers in the Field of Tourism We should prove to the whole world that all Egyptian never give up, never leave their work because of fear. do what you love to do and make a difference Steve Jobs Think of ways to develop your career and improve your work situation in the tourism industry. Businessmen who Own Tourism Companies your role is vital in improving the current situation in Egypt The future is bright for tourism in Egypt. But, we need to prove this to the whole world. Schools and Universities you need to implement new teaching methods that teach students the ethics of dealing with tourists. The Medias Goals and Objectives towards Tourism after 25th Revolution: Any campaign that is in the building stages must set goals and objectives in order to know what problem they are trying to solve, what message they are trying to send to audiences and what communication and media tools they will be able to use. According to Egypts tourism case, Medias goals and objectives should be settled in a way that will help to improve the tourism as an industry, and overcome the crisis after what happened in 25th of January. These goals and objectives will help marketers in choosing media tools and deciding what to put in them. On of the most important goal and objective that the media must focus on according to tourism is that to in increase the amount of tourists coming to Egypt again the goal through the objective which is increasing the flights amounts and hotel bookings. Targeted Audiences: The whole Public Relations campaign beside the media era is targeting mainly foreigners who are located outside Egypt. They are mainly Europeans, and Asians. As a result of that, this media campaign must build up the appropriate communications tools with the key message of the campaign, and build them up in the correct way to reach the targeted publics Europeans and Asians and let them convey the message and understand it as it should be understood. Media and Communication Tools: Tourism Media Campaign Communication Tools: Communication tools are elements and objects that are used to convey the message from the campaign to the targeted audiences. They usually are the main factors in the media campaign that will help in achieving the goals and the objectives of the campaign. The message could be conveyed through articles, radio, television, World Wide Web, event sponsorship, or even a whole collection of press releases. According the tourism media campaign, the main media tools that will be used are television, World Wide Web, and event sponsoring. Television: Through Television media tool used for a tourism campaign, videos should be directed and produced as a recorded videos on tourism places in Egypt, for instance, Luxor and Aswan, the pyramids, Sharm el Sheikh resorts, and so forth, that will attract tourists to do not miss what history and civilization Egypt has made. In addition, to tourism areas all around Egypt in the videos, celebrity endorsement could be used. Through using celebrities that are known locally and internationally, the message transmitted will be more trusted and tourists will be attracted to come and see Egypts history, visit every museum, every temple, and so forth. Also, marketers could stress on tourists emotional aspects in which their feelings gets connected which Egypt as a country, and bear to them in mind that these emotions will be satisfied when they visit Egypt. The Television tool began with a small video that was made right after the 25th revolution, From Egypt with Love (Boyd, 2011) It was encouraging Egyptian people to treat tourists in a friendly way and in the same time, the message is transmitted to tourists that the Egyptians are kind and welcoming to anyone who come and visit the country (refer to the Videos Screenshot in Appendix 3). (Boyd, 2011) World Wide Web: The internet and World Wide Web now plays an important role in the media sector, as it is a spider web that connects the whole world and makes it as a one united island. Internet could be used in tourism media campaign through making groups on Face book, twitter and all social networks that anyone could join them. They could include information about how strongly the tourism is going to be after the 25th revolution and what good changes have been made to the tourism in Egypt. Also, websites could be designed for information about every tourism place that is recommended for visiting in Egypt including history, pictures, and even videos to let tourists get attracted and become emotionally attached with Egypt. Also, this will increase the needs to the foreigners to come and enjoy what they have seen in real-life. Taking Face book as an example to World Wide Web Media, there are one of the campaigns that already started straight after the revolution containing two groups about surviving and getting the life back to the tourism in Egypt. These two groups have made a huge impact on tourists and foreigners Facebook users all around the world hoping that it will improve Egypts tourism image internationally. (Refer to one of the groups Profile Picture in Appendix 3). (Ling, 2011) Event Sponsoring: Sponsorship generates a massive chance for any type of companies in which it helps to widen the good reputation through viewing companys picture, view, and everything that makes the company unique through reinforcements of certain events that will increase the attention of the targeted audience. (Khera Communications, Inc., 2011) This event sponsorship could be an effective way to communicate with tourists all around the world, especially when Egyptian companies sponsor international events or vice versa. Through doing these kinds of sponsorships, foreigners will know and observe that despite all the series of events that happened in Egypt is still and trying to be in a high position in the economy of the world. In my opinion, for getting back tourism to its normal cycle in Egypt, Egyptian companies must sponsor international events in order to stay connected with international audience and attract them to the country to be interested in the long-run to come and visit Egypt. Also, for international companies Egypt must make life easier to them in order to be easily located in Egypt and this will help them sponsor Egyptian events, for instance, sports events, charity events, that will build trust between Egypt and different Nations. Through following these steps in building a media public relations campaign to the tourism in Egypt, it will help in an enormous way to improve Egypts image to the outside world, not just view the dark side of the image. Furthermore, the message delivered from the country Egypt to the targeted audiences foreigners will be sent and understood effectively Communication Process Appendix 3 and there will be no noise nor distraction in the messages process/ Egypt was always known with its loyalty, loving, kindness and so forth to its visitors and even its citizens, and this image must be the same till end of life time, And as the video said through one of the video campaigns, Egypt We Love You! (Tench Yeomans, 2009) Barriers to Communication of the Message: The physical barrier is too much related to the distance between the parties. For example, face-to-face communication may be too much needed in some situations to make sure that the receiver understood the message sent. Recommendation; always ask for feedback from the receiver in order to make sure that the message has been understood. Language differences are always very critical for delivering the messages; people from different countries may find difficult to understand the language or a certain message or may even perceive the messages in different ways. Recommendation; translate the messages to as many languages as possible. Psychological barriers may also be to some extent significant; peoples emotions are very important to be considered when delivering messages. For example, when asking workers to keep working, they may feel that the media have no idea about how they are suffering financially from being unable to gain money and satisfy their needs. Recommendation; the messages should show clear awareness of the different situations and giving emotional support to every target group. Barriers that arise from conflict of interest between the crisis management campaign and the different targeted groups. For example, the campaign may be willing to encourage the businessmen who operate in the tourism sector to continue operation. While, at the same time the businessmen cannot continue because they are losing money and adding costs on themselves. -Indentifying the Publics: Egypt was known and will always remain as one of the amazing countries in the world due to its outstanding historical pyramids, Luxor and Aswan. Nothing will ever affect Egypts beauty in the eyes of the world, therefore I encourage and persuade all Italians, British, and Russians to come and visit Egypt after the breathtaking revolution which was accomplished by the Egyptians on January 25th in the liberation Square that has now become a touristic area which people from all over the world speak about and are so eager to visit it and to feel the pain and happiness which the Egyptian youth have created in Egypt. Tourist Plans Campaign The sense of To act the sense of the Egyptians, unenthusiastic and construct a dwell taken at the first attainment of the knowledge of the nation of battle by the full of meaning, the kingdom of the war with a broad-start is in that reimbursement of periegesis underscore the target of the seven recognized before the spectators. Mingling with the crowd to councils, factories, session of the doctrine of print advertising and out of the material Broadcasting / advertising will be the Customer, or gain the overall effectively blow. To be infected with the war On both sides, it shall be done within the degrees of the first part I will strengthen the services of a war which is rotating with an although, according to an exact and in the manner to the effect of all the target Promotional Views. (Weber, 2010) The perigees will be underpinned the wages of the knowledge of such activities six: 1. Known to a better Tourist Lives This was the foundation of the first phase to the knowledge of the identity of perigees war. Will continue using the same expedition, I extended the look and feel standardize and of all the relevant under the expedition might have recognized this belonging to the different labour. But just as changes to submit to an identity for its ability to upgrade the answer to the principle of the hearers of the draw. 2. With the cooperation of the allies Fabios, the war of the will hinge on implementation of the foundation of the fellowship of the various stakeholders the efficient meals. And here, the object of responsibility of coordinating the land of Egypt, has hired manager w perigees with the rest of the allies this one of the sectors: Private sector of my companions: depends on type of activity, Telecom sectors can be different so that, juridical, etc. It is of interest should be put in each of efficient contact is at hand. This elite cooperate with the associations to take part to fit the protector of a co-addition to the expense of the proofs have been early. 3. Communications software To raise the Profile of the war and acquire the advice and the support of the various stakeholders, while the entire marketing communications program designed for, it will be implemented. Any one is, the needy, Target Audience marketing communications best a piece of the instruments of which is extended to the ears. 4. The communication of the Public Relations Program Marker between different kinds of communications tools will be got ready, Public Relations are the most important of its ability to inject credibility in the wars of operation. Further they can adnotacione Public Relations of the singular degree the State had different segments of the tenement of the city. For if the history of the place Published in Print Media, I will stretch lying in around about. 5. The knowledge of expeditions Plan Designs of all wars is a quality know that to be done is to take care in and reap results fine. Things are established, the phases of Planning, for the following key steps: The Project web perigees shall manage the public to conduct attitudinal research to take the perceptions of conscience and to the views of the Egyptians, and travellers will perigees. The research by the art of effectively expose the child is crucial gauge degrees of conscience to the sector of State. Or Event elite, ecumenical, it is to eat of awareness have been done research results. This state of affairs so all the troops the will of stakeholders perigees page, perigees projects, a Government of Egypt, arts institutes, and of the media. From the committee I will be the keeper of the knowledge of perigees to appoint a council and in Latin implementation of the knowledge of triumph in war. 6. Develop the communication of the plans of the campaign tools Print material the consciousness that the target the seven petitions of the ground will be supported by disseminating print customized Promotional material for a war, and the items. And it is its distribution of Posters, Flyers, brochures and through the schools of the offices of the Central After the Egyptian, Social Security Corporation, leaves and inserts. Further Promotional material for school as mugs with sackcloth, Bumper Stickers, etc. it shall be repaid. Matter and CDs to be stable as the value of the Promotional and a large (Alaya, 2004) Strategy: Tourism is considered to be a very crucial activity for the whole Egyptian population; it accounts for 11% of the total Egyptian GDP and employs more than 2 million Egyptians (Feuilherade, 2011). According to the previous Vice President, Omar Soliman; during the days of the 25th January revolution, Egypt has lost around 1 billion dollars in tourism. For any campaign to be successful it needs to have clear guidelines and strategies to follow. The main strategy for overcoming the crisis of Tourism that occurred in Egypt after the revolution is probably encouraging integrated efforts between different population groups for the sake of improving the tourism conditions in Egypt. These conditions include, the treatment of tourists, the safety and security, services offered and so on. The integration of efforts is not only including the publics; who are directly affected by the tourism industry. But, it should also include the whole public society because apparently everyone in the Egyptian society is affected by tourism either directly or indirectly. Appendix 1: (Women before and after the 25th revolution) (Indentifying the public) 1. (n.d.). In Tourism . Retrieved April 2, 2011, from 2. (n.d.). In Tourism of Egypt. Retrieved April 2, 2011, from 3. (n.d.). In Egypt 25th January revolution tourism revival. Retrieved April 2, 2011, from 4. (n.d.). In Egypt Update: Womens Rights After The Revolution. Retrieved April 2, 2011, from 5. Tench, R., Yeomans, L. (2009). Exploring Public Relations (Second ed., pp. 185-186). Edinbrugh, AL: Pearson. Appendix 2: 1. How to plan Tourism Campaign 2. Strategy 1. Weber, L. (2010). Plan To Fund Tourism Campaign Draws Critics (IPR ed., pp. 1-3). Retrieved April 5, 2011, from 2. Feuilherade, P. (2011, February 12). Tourism Crisis as Foreign Visitors Desert Egypt. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from 3. Alaya, A. (2004). Tourism campaign aims to help ( ed.). , AL: Article The Star-Ledger. Retrieved April 5, 2011, from Appendix 3: 1. Key Messages 2. Communication Barriers Al-Arabia. (2011, March 31). Tahrir Square presented as historic site worth visiting. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from Al-Arabia : Article Base. (2009, February 3). 12 Barriers to Effective Communication-Beware of These Relationship Killers. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from Yeomanz, L., Tench, R. (2006). Exploring Public Relations. Pearson.

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